-What is the ordinal number ? -what is the function of ordinal number ? - what is the different between cardinal and ordinal number mohon dijawab dengan kalimat
B. inggris
-What is the ordinal number ?
-what is the function of ordinal number ?
- what is the different between cardinal and ordinal number
mohon dijawab dengan kalimat jwban......
-what is the function of ordinal number ?
- what is the different between cardinal and ordinal number
mohon dijawab dengan kalimat jwban......
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban HarunAlRasyid
We Use Ordinal Number to talk about the "order" of things or to define a thing's position in a series. Example :
First : 1st
Second : 2nd
If the function of Ordinal is to tells about position of something, the function of Cardinal is to tells how many of something there are, such as one, two